Listen and Tell

Thursday, September 28, 2006

A Warrior of th Light

Tuesday 17 may 2005
Sydney, Australia

The man with the hat walks down the hill. He's on his way from Castle Hill to Dural. Walking back home after having seen Downfall. Der Untergang, the German movie that shows a human insight in the last phase of one of Europe's and arguably the worlds darkest periods.

His trousers have dried up, but his shoes and socks are still soaked. It was raining when he walked up to the cinema. Heavy rains now and then. He didn't really mind though. Wearing his red raincoat he remained pretty dry and the broad rim of the hat protected his glasses from becoming wet. The books in his backpack were also well protected, being all rapped up in plastic bags.

His thoughts are still with the movie. Not for the first time he realises each and everyone of us is capable of comitting such horrific deeds. Given the circumstances. Even he himself. Would be naive to think he's immune to external influences. To think he cannot be dragged into the darker sides of mankind.

* * * * *

Tuesday 10 may 2005
The Rocks, Sydney

The man with te hat walks down the stairs of the "Touch of Mandela"-galerie. On display are numerous paintings and drawings by Nelson Mandela. One in specific catches his eye. A simple sketch of the lighttower on Robbeneiland.

Nikki walks up to him. "Can I help you?", she asks. He inquires about the price. He is looking for a present for his Australian hosts. The original is way out of his league. But there's also a reproduction.

They talk about the man Southafricans call Madiba. Especially the people from the Transvaal. About the Nelson Mandela Museum in Umtata.

"There are some similarities between Mandela and that lighttower", the man remarks. "You're right", the girl replies. "He is like a beaken of light in the darkness."

* * * * *

Friday 1 april 2005
Surat, India

The white man steps up to the microphone. Hat in hand.

No need to translate.

"My name is ton. I come from the Netherlands."
Prakash translates his words in Hindi.

"75 years ago a man walked upon this earth. We all know him"
"I came to know him by the name Mohandas Gandhi"
"In his time approxamitely two billion human beings lived on this planet."
"He was on of them. No more. No less."
"But he was a special one. He was a Warrior of the Light."
"He called his light truth."
"And he was such a good warrior, that he was named Mahatma."
"Unfortunately he is no longer with us in flesh and blood"
"All we can do is remember and commemorate him and earn from his teachings and ideas."

The man with the hat in hand pauses for a second. Sometimes a second of silence says more than a lifetime of words.

"Today we are with six billion people on this planet."
"Each and everyone of us is just one of them. No more. No less."
"Each and everyone of us can be a Warrior of the Light"
"Each and everyone of us can be a mahatma."


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