Listen and Tell

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Back to India

1 May 2006, Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam

Tense, very tense.

The man with the hat takes of for another adventure. Another Listen-and-Tell. And so his body communicates the routine-tension to his mind. Only this time the tension is not about the journey. Nor is it because of the destination and what to expect there. He's going to Mumbai, to India, and he's been there before.

He is tensed because of the challenge. To rewalk the Saltmarch. The other way around this time and on his own. Well, not completely alone; Prakash will join him on this Sabermati Yatra. And even this walk is not the reel challenge, not the reason for his anxiety. He has walked it before.

It's his resolve to write a book that's causing his body to ache. Telling the tale of this walk on Sabermati. In English.

Who knows what might come from that.


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